A Little Preparation Will Make Tax Season Less Taxing This Year!

Photo of a woman's hands using a calculator in front of tax forms.

Tax season can be a stressful time of the year for many taxpayers! However, there are steps that you can take to prepare and make tax time less stressful for you and your tax preparer- as follows:

  1. Make a folder labelled “2024 Tax Information” to gather all tax documents as you receive them so that they are all together in one place.
  2. Download any tax documents such as unemployment 1099-G forms or other forms that are only available online such as some investment 1099s and tuition form 1098-Ts – as soon as they are available.
  3. Total all of your out -of- pocket medical expenses for you, your spouse, and your dependent children for the year. 
  4. Gather any donation receipts and request any donation summaries or donation acknowledgement forms from charitable donations made in 2024.
  5. If you have a business, total your income for the year and summarize and categorize your business expenses for the year.
  6. If you have a rental property, total the rent received, the days rented, and personal use days and summarize and categorize the rental expenses for year.
  7. If you sold your home, vacation home, or rental property during the year, gather the closing document for the sale and the original cost of the property plus improvements.
  8. If you had a new baby this year, make sure that you have obtained a social security number for the child in order for you to claim the child as a dependent on your tax return.
  9. If you are a divorced custodial parent who is releasing the right to claim a child’s exemption – make sure you complete Form 8332 to be filed with the noncustodial parent’s tax return.
  10. If you get your taxes professionally prepared – send your tax information and/or make your tax appointment as soon as possible to avoid the need for an extension of time to file!

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