Tax Tip Corner™
The Tax Tip Guy™ is here to guide you through the most pressing questions and issues related to your taxes today.


Which Type of Tax Preparer is Right for You?
If you are considering hiring a tax preparer this year – you have the following options to choose from: an

Holiday Bonuses: What Small Business Owners and Employees Need to Know
Holiday bonuses are often a welcome surprise for employees and a great way for employers to celebrate the season and

Smart Year-End Tax Moves: Maximize Deductions and Prepare for a Stress-Free Tax Season
As the year comes to a close, we know your to-do list is filling up with holiday plans and end-of-year

Maximizing Tax Benefits When Selling Your Home
Fall can be a strategic time to prepare your home for sale and maximize your tax benefits, despite the perceived

Navigating the Next Steps in BOI Reporting Compliance
In the wake of the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements implemented earlier this year, business owners need to stay

Can You Still Claim Your College-Bound Child as a Dependent?
What an exciting time! Your child has just graduated high school and is off to college in a few weeks.