Required Minimum Distribution

A required minimum distribution is a mandatory distribution of retirement account funds after you reach a certain age. (Age 70 1/2 for anyone who turned 70 ½ prior to January 1st, 2020 and age 72 for everyone else) The RMD calculation is based on your account balance as of the end of the immediately preceding […]
IRS Tax Relief For Certain Areas Impacted by Hurricane IDA

Taxpayers that reside in certain areas or have a business in certain areas that have had a Hurricane Ida disaster declaration now have additional time to file their tax returns due to IRS relief for the victims of the remnants of Hurricane Ida that began September 1, 2021. The disaster declaration includes counties in New […]
Claiming Business Meals and Entertainment

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the deduction for any expenses related to activities generally considered entertainment, amusement, or recreation such as a nightclub, golf outing, or baseball game. However, taxpayers may still deduct business expenses related to food and beverages if certain requirements are met. Under the IRS regulations, food and […]
Claiming the Advance Child Tax Credit Payments in 2021

The IRS will pay half of the child tax credit with advance monthly payments starting July 15th. The other half you will get when you file your 2021 income tax return. The credit is $3,000 for qualifying children ages 6 to 18 and $3,600 for children under age 6. In order to qualify for the […]
Just Sold My Home: Will I owe any taxes?

Home Sales and Taxes This is one of the more common questions that I hear every year. I imagine with the recent hot real estate market it will be even more common this coming tax season. The answer to this question, like many other questions in the tax field, is that it depends. Section 121 […]
What If I File an Extension?

As a tax practitioner, I have seen the prospect of filing an extension put some taxpayer’s minds at ease and create anxiety for others. So, what is an extension and what is the harm, if any, of filing an extension to give you more time to file your tax returns? A “Form 1040” federal extension […]
Home Office Tax Deductions

Can I claim my Home Office as an expense this year? Due to the pandemic and many employees now working from home, one of the most common questions that I have received from taxpayers this past year is whether or not their office in-home expenses will be deductible at tax time. Unfortunately, there are currently […]
Protected: Recovery Rebate Credit

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The Cares Act (Part 2)

Home Sales and Taxes This is one of the more common questions that I hear every year. I imagine with the recent hot real estate market it will be even more common this coming tax season. The answer to this question, like many other questions in the tax field, is that it depends. Section 121 […]
The Cares Act (Part 1)

This is one of the more common questions that I hear every year. I imagine with the recent hot real estate market it will be even more common this coming tax season. The answer to this question, like many other questions in the tax field, is that it depends. Section 121 of the Internal Revenue […]